Tuesday, February 15, 2011

French Revolution Reflection

I learned that the French Revolution did not necessarily turn out the way the people wanted to. The revolutionaries had wanted to get rid of the absolute monarchy that had ruled there country for centuries. But as a result of the revolution, new leaders came in but they were just as bad or worse than the absolute monarchies that had come before them. Robespierre was a tyrant that made the people do what he wanted by using terror. He was the main cause of the Terror and enforced his power by scaring everyone with the use of the guillotine. Napoleon was the next major leader who came in and he tricked everyone. He convinced everyone that he was doing good for France when really he was doing what he wanted. He ended up causing more harm than help. As a result of these two leaders, the French people invited the monarchy, Louis XVIII, back to power. The revolution ended with a constitutional monarchy, which is not so different from what they had started out with. The French people never received the free government they were looking for.

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